So I was in the car yesterday, and I heard a commercial for some kinda stuff that’s supposed to make you smarter. Can’t recall what it was (which probably means I need some), but they finished off the ad with something like, “so, if you want to read 1,000 times faster, or read 10 books in the time it takes most people to read just one…” And I thought to myself, hey, wait a minute. If I’m gonna read 1,000 times faster than I do now, but only 10 times faster than “most people,” aren’t you kind of assuming that I read, like, 100 times slower than most people to start with? I’m no Evelyn Wood, but I don’t read that slow.

Three cheers for the AMA, who let Congress know they’re opposing any sort of public insurance. It’s not too surprising, since the AMA coined the term “socialized medicine” back when they had Ronnie Reagan shilling for them. And people wonder why I don’t like doctors.

Speaking of public heathcare, Dana Milbank says yesterdays House subcommittee hearings were just a way to let Single Payer advocates blow off some steam. Kind of like a pat on the head of a likable but stupid child. “There, there, dear. You go ahead and cry.” Conventional wisdom, of course, is that single payer hasn’t a chance of being enacted and everybody knows it, but they need to do something to keep the peasants from revolting. Just because “We the People” want it doesn’t mean it has a prayer of passing.

Oh well.