I was reading a story today by somebody or other I’d never heard of (not that it matters; there are lots of people I’ve never heard of), talking about the “Female Foreign Correspondents’ Code Of Silence, Finally Broken” and relating a story of her having been groped in Pakistan to the attack on Lara Logan. Anyhow, one of the things she wrote was that “Several commentators have suggested that Ms. Logan was somehow at fault”, and I thought, really? At first I thought she meant “commenters,” which wouldn’t surprise me too much, or that maybe she was just using a different version of the “some people say” story that people use when they want to make some point or other.

But she linked to a story in the NY Daily News. Turns out “several” means two, and the two she referred to were Nir Rosen (who has asshole written all over him, and is apparently an NYU journalist – not sure if that means he writes for the NYU college newspaper, or maybe he teaches journalism? Well, whatever. According to the story, Rosen called Logan a warmonger who’d be glorified as a martyr, and that she “had to outdo Anderson [Cooper]….She was probably groped like thousands of other women….It would have been funny if it happened to Anderson, too.”) and somebody named Debbie Schlussel (which, as a surname, is Nazi for Locksmith) who said that Logan should have expected such treatment from Muslim “animals” and called her a “cheerleader” for promoting “this revolution by animals. Now she knows what Islamic revolution is really all about.”

So, I guess there were at least a couple of pretty ignorant “commentators” out there after all.

Anyhow, as an interesting aside, Rosen had to apologize and was forced to resign as an NYU fellow. As opposed to Little Debbie, of course, who will probably be making the Fux News rounds (maybe she already is – I never heard of her, either).

Anyhow, it’s cold out today, but looks (and sounds) pretty quiet. That’s a good thing, as I really need to go out and get some stuff – like food for me, and food for the tractor. And maybe a new ceiling fan for what will hopefully become my new office if I ever get this shit done. First, though, I need to grout, which I reckon I’ll do momentarily, though it’s awfully cold in the house, and it’ll probably take forever to actually set up. Hell, even the thinset doesn’t seem completely set up (not the thick parts that I just scraped out of the grout lines (if you can call them grout lines before you’ve actually grouted). Not my finest work – thank goodness it’s just for me. I have high standards, but I’m also pretty good at adjusting my expectations.

Oh well, time to get going, I guess.