In order to stave off my desire to spend money and buy an Android tablet (and to avoid – to the extent possible – listening about Anthony’s Weiner or looking at that smug POS Breitbart), I managed to cobble together a computer and install Linux Mint on it. It appears to be a pretty nice distro – a pretty painless (and brainless) install that has everything I need, pretty much. The only hassle I had with it was that it somehow managed to lose my password. Honest. I was using it to install shit, and then suddenly it wouldn’t authenticate me. Now, I swear I didn’t change it, and it’s the one I use for pretty much everything on my internal network, so I don’t know what happened. Worse, it refused to allow me to boot to a passwordless shell. So I just reinstalled it (only takes 15 minutes or so – and that’s on some fairly old hardware) and started over again. So that was nice. Except it’s a desktop – making three working ones in my office – and I rarely sit down to use them these days.

Otherwise, it appears that this is gonna be a really bad allergy year for me this year. I’m not only dealing with a runny, snot-filled nose, but also a sore throat and an itchy eye (just one eye at the moment, for some reason). Last night, my eye was so swollen up, I thought about tweeting a picture of it to some young girl half my age. Then I realized that would be really pathetic.

Yes, it turns out our champion of single-payer healthcare is a pathetic loser. I had my first doubts about him when he took an “Israel can do no wrong stance,” and, far from assuaging any doubts, the explanation that he was only a staunch Israel supporter so he good get elected in his district only heightened them.

And his “hacked weiner” story sounded like bullshit to me from the start, but I was willing to ignore it because he usually says things I agree with, and because I really don’t care (except, not to be judgmental or anything, but there’s something wrong with you there, Anthony; I foresee some rabbinical counseling in your future for the next few months until you get your mind right, or the media finds something else to obsess on – whichever comes first).

Too bad Weiner isn’t a Mormon. Those magic underpants might have saved him a lot of embarrassment. You’ll never see Mitt Romney get in this kind of trouble (though that’s most likely because he’s a “Ken” doll – no genitalia).

Well, our cool and pleasant weather appears to be nearly at an end, as it’s supposed to turn hot and steamy today. Sounds good. I’m trying to justify the pool expense by not having to use the air conditioning, so the hotter the better. But I think I need to buy a waterproof Android tablet.

Do they make those?