Based on the most recent set of top 5 search terms that landed people here, I have to think there must be some mighty disappointed perverts out there. If you’ve been looking for any of the following: “spanked ass, they don’t cut the grass anymore boobs, mono boob, russian boobs, multiple boobs”, welcome, and I apologize. Also, WTF are “don’t cut the grass anymore boobs”, and what’s this recurring obsession with “mono boob”? Seriously, you’re making the “spanked ass” people look normal.

The dog got me up earlier than usual this morning, so I watched an infomercial for the Rockwell Blade Runner. Now I want one. You might expect to pay $500 (or more) for this (I know I would), but it’s available for four easy payments of $39.99 (and they’ll even throw in the optional wall mount for free!). One more thing for the wish list.

SPeaking of wish lists, good news for all you people hoping for a good candidate to run for Congress, as Not Joe the Not Plumber has tossed his hat into the ring (I’d post a link, but who really cares?).

Back to work today, because I’m not rich. And for this, I blame Herman Cain (his name is Herman, right? I never heard of him before all this – I think he used to be a pizza delivery guy or something).

I have a bumper sticker suggestion for his campaign, though.

“Cain is Able!”

Heh? Pretty catchy, no?

Pizza delivery guys, fake plumbers, hockey moms…. These Republicans are the kinda down-home folksy folks we need in office.