It was an expectantly pleasant ride into work this morning, thanks to the fact that NPR was having an issue with its satellite feed of Morning Edition. This led to my local NPR station switching over to the BBC World feed, which meant I didn’t have to hear Cokie Roberts (assuming she was on, as she is most Mondays). Things rapidly deteriorated from there, though, as I arrived at work and had to abandon yet another gorgeous day (the weather’s been amazing – everybody in Central New York is sunburned today) to go and sit in my dark cave of an office.

We opened the pool on Saturday. Well, we took the cover off. Calling it “open” is a bit ambitious, as the water was pea soup green. I really need to figure out why that is – I dumped a lot of chemicals in there at the end of last year in order to prevent that. 10 gallons of sodium hypochlorite seems to have killed off the algae, but the water’s quite cloudy. And a little on the chilly side. Hopefully things will be cleared (and warmed) up by Memorial Day. On the bright side, the new pump motor is so quite it’s amazing. I kept thinking it shut off for some reason.

All the walking up and down stairs and carrying shit and squatting really set my foot off, though. Yesterday was kind of a waste, as all I managed to do was cut the grass. I could have used another day off, and am really looking to getting the hell out of here.

But then, what else is new?