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Morning Seditionists

Sunday Bobblehead Thread

Posted by pjsauter on July 2, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 60 Comments

Well, what’s in store for us this week? On Press the Meat, Timmy the Potatohead (did you know, watching him is only “half the experience?”) has the dick from Kentucky, Mitch McConnell, plus an increasingly disappointing Chuck Schumer. Then it’s a discussion on just how free a free press should be with, get this, Bill “Double or Nothing” Bennett, John Harwood (prick from the WSJ), Bill Safire (retired prick from the NY Times), and token press person Dana Priest, who reported on the US’s secret gulags around the world.

On Faze the Nation, Bush buddy Bobby has Bill Keller from the NY Times on to grovel and seek forgiveness, plus faux moderate who can be counted on to talk sorta kinda tough, but always willing to roll over and take it for his pal dubya, Arlen Specter, along with Carl Levin.

On CNN’s Late Emission mit Wolf Blitzer, it’s Republican asshole and anti-free speech douchebag Peter King, on with Barney Frank. Then we’ll see whether or not Shimon Peres and Saeb Erakat strangle each other. Next up, it’s NASA Administrator Michael Griffin, and then Tony Orlando. Really? Tony Orlando? OK, well, that’s nice (trivia time: Telma Hopkins – half of Dawn, or one third of TO and Dawn, I guess – is the person who says, “shut your mouth,” after Isaac Hayes sings about Shaft being a “bad mother…”). Oh, and whoever books for CNN apparantly fucked up and booked Sy Hersh; maybe he’ll smack Wolfie upside the head.

This Weak with George Snufalufagus has fake moderate and enemy of the Internet, John McCain, plus fake Democrat, Dianne Feinstein. At the roundtable, it’s fake liberal and mental midget Joe Klein, Cokie “Sea Hag” Roberts, and, he doesn’t just play a Republican schmuck on TV, he’s one in real life, too: former Senator Fred Thompson. Plus, Mia Farrow on UNICEF’s fight for the world’s children (she should get Woody involved; he’s got a warm spot for the kids).

Over at Fux News, “Fuxface” Wallace has Lindsey “Poof” Graham, plus Rhode Island Senator Jack Reed, on to talk about how this week’s ruling by the Supreme Court really isn’t gonna change a fucking thing at Gitmo. Plus, I guess Michael Griffin really gets around, since he’ll stop by to talk some shuttle, and what’s up next for NASA.

Later, on 60 Minutes, it’s the first man on the moon (assuming it wasn’t all a hoax, of course), Neil Armstrong (who doesn’t say much, so this might be worth watching). Then, Bob Simon interviews – believe it or not – Elian Gonzalez, who’s 11 now. :jerk: And Lara Logan talks about how the US “took back” Tal Afar from Al Qaeda. I guess.

There’s a new episode of Deadwood on tonight, plus new (I think) episodes of the 4400 and The Dead Zone.

Have a good Sunday.

Saturday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on July 1, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 293 Comments

Well, it’s Saturday. Happy July everybody! The night’s are getting longer (except for egotils and our other friends south of the equator, of course), and summer will be over before you know it.

I haven’t had a chance to look at much in the news, except I noticed a story they were all hot over at DU, about how polls show Americans want the Democrats to be in control of Congress. That would be great if that was how we elected Congress, but of course it isn’t. Between the gerrymandering and the parade of pork, incumbents are harder to get rid of than a chicken on your ventile (hey, look it up). Then again, we only need 15 seats in the house, and that’s a lot less than the Republican “revolution” of 1994. And if you think the Democrats are no better (and I find it difficult to put up too much of an argument there, to be honest), conisder how far things have degraded since 1994, how much worse they’ve gotten since 2000, and how terribly wrong things have gone since 2003, when Republicans assumed control of the Senate (and that’s not even counting Zell Miller and Joe Leberman), paving the way for Republican control of all three branches of government.

We may not get the judicial branch back in my lifetime (if you think it’s only about the Supremes, you’re wrong; in fact, the US Courts of Appeals, US District Courts, and US Bankruptcy Courts handle thousands – tens of thousands, even – of cases every year that affect how we live our lives, who we live them with, and how we die. Only a handful make it to the Supreme Court, and these lower courts are loaded with Republican minions). And dubya has had lots of vacancies to fill, since the hypocritcal Republican swine blocked over half (42 of 81) of Clinton’s judicial nominees, and refused to confirm even moderate nominees – especially to the appeals courts, where only 8 Clinton nominees were confirmed.

Republicans also refused to create new judgeships, in spite of a burgeoning population and caseload. As a comparison, consider that under Reagan and Bush I, 85 federal judgeships were created (each). Under Clinton? Nine. By the time dubya slunk into office, 8 of the 13 federal appeals courts were dominated by Republican judges, and only the Sixth Circuit had a slight majority of Democratic appointees (but with four vacancies left for dubya to fill).

So, anyhow, enjoy your Saturday. Let’s make this weekend last a while, shall we? It’s already going too damn fast.