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Morning Seditionists

Monday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on September 10, 2007
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We went to see “No End in Sight” yesterday. It’s very well done, and I guess I’d call it a “must see.” Hopefully it’ll be on DVD before too long. Our chickenshit elected officials ought to be required to see it, and then explain to us why they continue to keep funding this goddamn occupation. Much of the material will be familiar to those of us here, who’ve been paying attention, at least in general. I’d have to watch it a few more times to really describe everything that’s in there. Suffice it to say, there were some good people involved who wanted to do things the right way (given that the war was gonna happen, no matter what), only to be marginalized, ignored, and replaced by people who’d be willing to keep their mouths shut and do what they were told. No dissent – or even contrary opinions – allowed. Of course, the worst part is that the same arrogant, ignorant pricks are still running the show, and they have their sights set on Iran.

Booblehead Thread

Posted by pjsauter on September 9, 2007
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So, what’s up for today? On Press the Meat, we’ll talk a little Iraq, as Timmy Potatohead has Jim Jones (the General, not the other one) and Charles Ramsey of the Iraqi Security Forces Independent Assessment Commission, plus Sen. MBNA, Joe Biden, fresh from Iraq. Then it’s a fair and balanced roundtable with Christian Broadcasting nut, David Brody and WSJ hack, John Harwood.

Over on CBS, Bush Buddy Bobby Schieffer has Teddy Kennedy and Gerry Ford’s and Bush I’s National Security Adviser (not to mention Henry Kissinger’s pal), Brent Scowcroft, on to talk abut Iraq, Gonzo, and “Politics.”

On Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace has li’l Lindsey Graham on to shill for the “surge,” and dubya’s “Homeland Security Adviser” Fran Townsend (on to review Osama’s latest video), plus everybody’s favorite DINO, Dianne Feinstein. And then there’s the usual Fux News douchebags.

At the Goebbels network, George Snufalufagus hosts the increasingly irrelevant Saint John McCain, plus that guy that ran with John Edwards in 2004. Then, then axis of drivel is reunited, as Sam :omg: Donaldson, Cokie “the hag” Roberts, and George :jerk: Will sit around the table and blow smoke up each other’s asses. Plus Alan Alda will be on to hawk his new book.

Wolf Blitzer’s Late Emission consists of George Joulwan (former NATO Supreme Commander), Mowaffak al-Rubaie (Iraqi National Security Adviser), all talk, no action Arlen Specter, Barbara Boxer, Mike “Huckleberry” Huckabee, and Wolfie will trot out Fran Townsend again, as well as a collection of CNN hacks.

Later, on 60 Minutes, Katie Couric (whoopdie-doo) does a story on the of firemen, policemen, construction and other workers who are sick and dying because they breathed the toxic dust on the “pile” at the World Trade Center. I guess Katie must’ve gotten the idea from Michael Moore. Steve Kroft reports on how the rest of you bastids better start bowing down to the geeks if you ever want to use your electronic gadgets and computers again. And then they’ll run an old Mike Wallace story on Pavarotti (who is still dead).

But, who cares about all that shit? It’s football season again! Finally, something us stupid people can sit down and enjoy again. Have a good one.

Saturday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on September 8, 2007
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Sorry, just too damn tired to come up with much of anything to say. I guess there’s a lot of that going around these days.

Friday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on September 7, 2007
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This has been one long goddamn four days. To make matters worse, it got hotter than hell yesterday, and it’s supposed to be even hotter today. We’ve been advised not to breathe, due to too much ozone. Sucks. Oh well, let’s get this over with already.

Thursday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on September 6, 2007
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It’s only Thursday? Why the hell do four-day weeks seem to be even longer than the five-day ones? Plus, I have to go back to my “other” location today, and I have to have a “meeting” with my outgoing supervisor and my new interim supervisor, for which I’m supposed to update my “project list.” There are few things I hate more than meetings. Plus, I’m not much for this project list stuff. I prefer to keep everyone in the dark as to what I may or may not be working on, until I’m done with it. I guess I’ll just have to put in a purchase requisition for a new computer to compensate. Have a good one.

Wednesday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on September 5, 2007
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So, a couple weeks ago, I bought this flash drive. Well, partly it’s a 2-gig flash drive, but it’s also got an SD slot built into it. So, it’s expandable to whatever you want it to be, depending on how big an SD card you have for it. Works great for the camera. I have roboform2go installed on the flash drive part, as well as the portable apps suite (kind of addicted to the Sudoku) and I download my podcasts every morning onto a directory on a 1-gig sd card that’s in it. This has the added advantage of being able to pop the SD card out, and stick it in my little Lyra mp3 player, or in my Nuvi GPS in the car.

Can’t put it in my phone, though. For that, I have a 1-gig micro sd card in the phone, and another 2-gig sd card that’s in a little USB reader that’s about the size of my ring fingernail. The micro sd cards are so small, it’s ridiculous. You really couldn’t get any smaller, and have it actually be usable. Not with my big fat fingers, anyway. The USB drive is on a little lanyard that I have on my keys. I Was a little leery of it, because it’s just tiny thread, but it’s pretty tough shit. It’s amazing to me that I can have 2 gigs of storage on my keychain, and another three in my pocket. You can load an entire, bootable operating system on something you could hold under your tongue (if, for some reason you wanted to). All for next to no money. It’s amazing how cheap things have gotten.

I’m lately coveting an XBOX 360 Elite, although, it’s not exactly cheap. I’m trying to justify buying it, but I’m not quite there yet. I’ve gone so far as to put it, and Rainbow Six: Vegas in my Amazon shopping cart (‘cuz I got a $25 certificate, and they have free very slow shipping). So, it sounds pretty cool, and from what I hear, it’s got the better game selection. Which is how M$ always gets you into their clutches. You can tell me Apple is the just the bestest thing there is going, but I can get just about anything I need for free for Windows. Everything for free with Linux.

I had Sedition Radio running on Linux until the old junk hardware crapped out on me. When I built a new box for it, I put Windows on it, and ShoutCast, though not all that hard on Linux, is just way, way easier on Windows. The Linux transcoder is kinda fussy about everything being the same bitrate, whereas in Windows, it doesn’t care; you can mix and match all you want.

Oh, wait. I started out talking about my USB/SD drive. Like I said, it’s pretty cool, except for a couple of things. First (and, I don’t really give much of a shit about this), it had a nice shiny black finish when I bought it. But, being in my pocket, it’s all fucked up and scratched now. Minor blems don’t affect performance, as they say. But, it came with a lanyard, just like the other one. Really tiny. And that’s the second problem: the goddamn thing didn’t come preattached, and I’m supposed to tie it on. And, it’s designed to hold the end cap on w/o losing it, so you have to thread it through the cap, and then though this little tiny hole on the drive. And then tie it.

What’re they fucking kiddin’ me? I’m lucky if I can tie my shoes (that’s why I try never to untie them). So, I’ve given myself a goddamn headache trying to tie this thing on, ‘cuz it’d be nice to have it; the cap is designed to only fit on one way, so having the lanyard would not only keep me from losing the cap, but would make it easier to stick back on again. But it aint worth the aggravation.

Well, anyway, have a good hump day.

Tuesday Feels Like a Monday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on September 4, 2007
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Damn, back to work today. That sucks, especially after such a nice weekend. So, dubya went to visit Iraq yesterday. Well, isn’t that nice. Not that our guys and gals (and the Iraqis) weren’t thrilled to see him, I’m sure, but it might have been nice if he’d gone elsewhere. He might have gone to, oh, I dunno, maybe a Pennsylvania coal mine, to sing the praises of the men (and women, I reckon) who make a living breathing in coal dust while busting their asses thousands of feet below ground, listening for the rumble presaging a murderous cave-in. He could have told UMW workers how valuable they are to our society, and how he was creating a new mine safety initiative to make mines in this country as safe as possible. And he could have apologized for the way his administration has made mines less safe, and put all of their lives at risk, vowing to atone for his greedy policies.

Or he could have gone to a US factory somewhere, and expressed his appreciation to all working Americans, who are reportedly the most productive workers in the world. He could have said that the least this country owes its workers is universal healthcare, which he would make his top priority for the balance of his administration.

Maybe he could have met with workers from the construction and building trades in the gulf region, vowing to put them to work rebuilding New Orleans, whose citizens have waited far too long to return home, while the Federal government has handed over billions of dollars to Bush’s corrupt cronies.

There are a lot of places George Bush could have gone yesterday. Instead, he went to Iraq for an empty photo-op, to reiterate the fact that he doesn’t give a shit how many Iraqis and Americans have to suffer and die; he’ll see every man, woman, and child dead or mutilated before he’ll give up on his disgraceful failed occupation.

George, why not just stay out of the United States? Resign now, and go on permanent vacation someplace (and take Cheney with you). You know this job has been way too much work, and it really hasn’t been much fun for you, now that the shine is off your codpiece. Just go off wherever it is that rich, spoiled brats go, make lots of money, and leave us all alone, while there’s still a chance we can undo everything you and your people have done.

Labor Day Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on September 3, 2007
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To those of you out there who labor, have labored, or may, some day, go in to labor, I wish you a happy Labor Day. Of course, this is also a bit of a sad day, as we bid a fond farewell to summer. Not that summer is officially over, of course, but pretty much, this is it. Even worse, I don’t get another day off until Columbus Day. Yeah, I know, Columbus was a scumbag, but a day off is a day off. Though, really, honoring Columbus in this country would be kinda like having a George Bush Day in Baghdad. Anyhow, enjoy this last holiday of the summer.

Booblehead Thread

Posted by pjsauter on September 2, 2007
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I was driving behind a car yesterday afternoon that had a bumper sticker that read, “Don’t sweat it, God’s in charge.” For some reason, that thought truly terrified me. I mean, if there is no God, then, well, we’re on our own, and we have to make the world the best we can with what we have to work with, and that’s OK. Or, if there’s a rather uninterested and apathetic God (kind of the “hands off” type), it kinda means pretty much the same thing; we’re on our own to fuck things up (or not).

But if there’s a God that’s actually on top of things, and is running the show, then that means he (or she) actually wants this fucked up world with all its death, greed, and evil to be the way it is. In other words, he’s not only OK with how things are, but he’s actually up there in charge, pulling the strings and actively working to make things this way. That’s kinda scary. Especially since things can always get lots worse. Makes you wanna go huddle in a public restroom, looking for a little companionship.

But anyway, it’s the booblehead day before Labor Day, so I’m sure all the talking head shows will be about the contribution that Labor has had in making this a better country. Let’s see…

Hmm. Well, it doesn’t look like any labor type of stuff on Press the Meat. In fact, this looks like an even tougher episode to watch than usual. In a show all about the 2008 elections, Timmy Potatohead will host “strategists” from “both sides.” Unfortunately, that means we have to look at one of the oddest couples known to mankind. Yes, you guessed it, James “Cupie Doll” Carville and Mary “not the deaf one” Matalin. Oy. Still trying to figure out who got the worst part of that deal. The kids, I guess. Then there’s Bob “I never won a fucking election, so why am I considered a ‘strategist?'” Shrum, and former Newt Gingrich minion, Mike Murphy.

Over on CBS, the topics for Faze the Nation this week are Iraq, Gonzo and Politics (not labor; what a surprise), as Bush Buddy Bobby Schieffer hosts Senator MBNA, Joe Biden, little Lindsey Graham (fresh from a mens room somewhere), Katie Couric (to talk about her brave upcoming trip to Iraq, no doubt; I wonder if she’ll be asked what kind of a mother that makes her, to abandon her children for her career – such as it is), and that weaselly little freak from the ever-incorrect Politico.com, John Harris.

Speaking of weasels, over at Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace hosts Pat Leahy (who is very seriously contemplating writing a stern letter to the White House, if they continue to ignore his subpoenas) and his partner in impotence, Arlen Specter, both on for much harrumphing and serious discussion. Plus, Weaselface will be yanking Ed Gillespie out of whatever mens room he normally hangs out at on Sundays. And there’s the creepy, freaky Fux News panel, consisting of the ever-disgusting Brit Hume, Nina “not Sheena” Easton, Fux’s token black guy, Juan Williams, and the increasingly demented Bill Kristol. Well, you didn’t really expect Fux to sing the praises of labor now, did you?

No labor talk over at the Goebbels network, either, as Chuck Schumer and John Ensign will talk about the best mens rooms to find a little action on those long layovers, and then Mike “Huckleberry” Huckabee tells George Snufalufagus how his presidential campaign’s going. This Weak’s roundtable has friend of Morning Sedition, little Robbie Reich, pompous prick from the NY Times, Matt Bai, and the one member of the axis of drivel who apparently never has anyplace else to go, George :jerk: Will. And then Gretchen Wilson (who is apparently a Country singer or something) will be on to tell us she’s going back to hight school. Whoopie.

It doesn’t look as if labor gets a mention on Wolf Blitzer’s Late Emission, either. In fact, the only thing that looks watchable there is another friend of Morning Sedition. Crikey! Look out, it’s Mick Ware, swimming amidst a cesspool, of CNN hacks and corrupt politicians.

Later, on 60 Minutes, it’s a rerun of Scott Pelley’s piece on Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich, who was involved in winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people the killing of 24 Iraqi civilians in Haditha. Then Bob Simon reports on “the ship breakers” of Bangladesh, who strip old ships for a buck a day. And, we’ll hear from Richard Jewell (no, not from the grave, but in an old Mike Wallace piece) on how the FBI and the media fucked up his life completely.

Well, it doesn’t look like anybody really gives a shit about labor on this labor day weekend. I guess it’s just an excuse for a three-day weekend for most people. For me, I believe that working people are what made this country great (back when it was great), and it’s no coincidence that the downward spiral this country is on has been accompanied by the continuing erosion of labor, and the destruction of the working middle class. The things that most of us take for granted in this country are a direct result of Organized Labor. Whether you’re in a union or not, things like a 40 hour work week, safe working conditions (or, at least a helluva lot safer than they would be without it), child labor laws, and a host of other rights and benefits are all a result of men and women willing to stand up and get their heads cracked open, struggling to get what’s right for themselves, their families, and future generations. There may be problems with unions, but we’d all be even more screwed without them.

Enjoy your Sunday, everybody. And don’t sweat it. God’s in charge.

Saturday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on September 1, 2007
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So, another hypocrite Republican supposedly bites the dust today. See ya around the airport, Larry. It’s one thing to be a hypocrite, but to be so self-loathing and opportunistic to not just turn your back on who and what you are, but to go out of your way to make life miserable for your fellow, um, fellows, is just so twisted and disgusting. In other words, typically Republican.

No doubt, some wealthy thug made Larry an offer he couldn’t refuse. I’m sure he’ll be making bug bucks working for major corporation as soon as this all blows over (so to speak). He might even get the key to the executive washroom. Hopefully it has floor to ceiling partitions between the stalls.

That’s what’s so annoying about all these bastards – Craig, Rove, Snow, Gonzo, and their ilk. Sure, they may resign with, at best, a modicum of shame, but they’ll be back out there in no time, making more money in a week than I’ll see in a lifetime. And they’ll still have their grubby little fingers into everything – probably to be reborn ala Cheney, Rummy, and Negroponte into another corrupt administration a few years down the line. If we actually have a few more years left. The way they’ve fucked this world up so far, who knows?