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Morning Seditionists

Saturday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on November 10, 2007
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So, I’m catching up on my teevee again. Catching up on Olbermann, to be more specific, and I’m watching last night’s show (I think it was last night’s show; I watched a bunch in a row. But anyways….

So I’m watching, and they do a story on Obama. He says that Hillary Clinton being fucked up is a “generational thing.” That “that gerneration” (sounds a lot like “those people” to me) is still fighting the battles they fought 40 years ago, and it makes it “difficult” for them to compromise on shit.

Exsqueeze me!?!!?? Difficult to compromise? Do you have any idea whatsofuckingever what we’ve already had to compromise on, you little punk?

First, music sucks today, compared to what it used to. I’m not saying there isn’t still good music – but it’s lot fewer and farther between these days. Worst, I think, is radio. Used to be some good radio stations on FM in the olden days. Now, everything pretty much sucks (at least in my neck of the woods – we are, after all, in the Provinces up here). But anyway, I’m sick of all this shitty music on the radio.

Next, we are the children of people who fought in the big war. The “right” war. The “necessary” war. And they won. Our parents were the Jedi. Well, my parents were. Some people’s parents (who shall remain nameless) fought for the Empire. You can’t hold it against them, though. They were just doing what they had to do to get by. Same as I am. Thank god I haven’t had to make any really tough decisions or sacrifices so far. I’d like to think I’d stand up if push came to shove, but of course you never really know until you get faced with a situation just how you’ll react. I’m a hero in my mind’s eye, but you waterboard me, I’ll give it up (or make it up) before you even get the water turned on. Anyhow…

We went from having hero parents to being suckers in Vietnam (not me, personally, since I’m too young, but my brother had the honor of serving his country in Vietnam, and I certainly remember the daily body counts on the Today Show – back when it was an actual news program), to witnessing the disbanding of our system of government. No more co-equal branches of government. No more elections. No more civil rights (regardless of color; the irony may well be that we finally all get treated equally regardless of race, color or creed, — unfortunately that just means that we all get spied on, and have an equal opportunity to get tossed into Guantanamo and tortured), no more free and open society (to the extent that we had one, anyway). No more America.

Look, Barack. Let me ‘splain it to you. It’s not that the baby boomers are reluctant to compromise. It’s that we’ve been forced to fucking compromise far too much already, and there’s nowhere left to go. It’s time to quit compromising with the evil corporate bastards that have pushed our country and our way of life to the brink of destruction. We need somebody that will stand up to these people, and quit giving away our rights.

That may not be Hillary, but it’s becoming increasingly clear it isn’t you, either, pal. You’re just the same-old, same-old — a slightly newer model of the calculating, posturing, and, yes, compromising weasels that got us here in the first place.

Friday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on November 9, 2007
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So, Rudy’s pal Bernie got indicted. Looks like John Edwards will be endorsed by “Iowans for Sensible Priorities,” which is apparently a big deal in Iowa. I’d really like to see Edwards take Iowa. That would shake things up a bit, and hopefully he could go on a roll from there. I honestly think he’d make the best candidate for the Democrats. Better than the other two out of three “top tier” ones, that’s for sure.

Anyhow, time to go and get this day over with already. Have a good one.

Thursday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on November 8, 2007
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Dropped my goddamn laptop, and it landed right on the power supply connector, basically making the connector explode. I can get the damn thing to charge if I get it in exactly the right position, but any movement screws it up. So, not much to say this morning – or at least not much time to say it before the battery runs out. Have a good one.

Wednesday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on November 7, 2007
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I’m starting to get awfully sick of this getting up and going to work thing. Tried to catch Seder/Maron yesterday, but it was pretty dreadful, technically (at least at my end), so I had to shut it down. Did I miss anything? Oh well, better go check the news and make sure nobody I voted for yesterday actually won. Have a good day.

Tuesday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on November 6, 2007
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So, anyway, I was catching up on my teevee watching, and caught Bill Maher from Friday night. One of his guests was creepy little twerp Markos Moulitsas. The part that pissed me off (and made me decide that Kos is a creepy little twerp) was after Maher opined that Timmy Potatohead asking Dennis Kucinich about the UFO thing was really stupid, asinine, and a typical traditional media question, and not worthy of placing emphasis on. It was kind of canceled out by crowd noise, but Mister Democrat Moulitsas fairly creamed his jeans in exclaiming, “he sees UFOs!”

Well, ‘scuse me, Marky, but Dennis hasn’t claimed to see UFOs every other Tuesday or anything. Nor has he claimed to be a victim of multiple (or even a single) abductions. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. No, Dennis saw something in the sky (aka, flying) that he couldn’t identify. Maybe Markos has never seen anything out of the unusual that he couldn’t identify. Or maybe his regimented little mind can’t quite process anything that doesn’t fit into nice neat little boxes made of ticky-tacky. I dunno.

I know that I, personally, have seen something in the sky that didn’t move like an airplane, and that I couldn’t identify. An alien space ship? A secret military craft? An airplane or helicopter at an odd angle that made it seem to hover in one place before shooting off rapidy and disappearing? Beats me. I couldn’t “identify” what it was (hence the “U” in the UFO).

But my mind is open enough to allow for the fact that there are more things out there in the universe than we self-important humans can possibly ever comprehend in a thousand – a million – generations. Every “truth” we hold to be self-evident only lasts until a new truth emerges, and we find out just how far off we were. Anybody who doesn’t get that has a tiny little Bill O’Reilly kinda mind.

What I do know is that the Hubble Deep Field Telescope looked at four one-hundredths of a degree of the sky, and found at least 3,000 galaxies, each one of which holds billions of stars, around which orbit billions of planets.

As Carl Sagan once said, if we’re alone in the universe, it would be a terrible waste of space.

A lot like Markos Moulitsas.

Oh, and don’t forget to vote today.

Monday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on November 5, 2007
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It’s Monday. That sure sucks.

Booblehead Thread

Posted by pjsauter on November 4, 2007
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Watch out, it’s liable to be an hour earlier than you thought it was (but not until I reset the blog clock). I guess that’s a good thing for you NYC area folks, since Timmy Potatohead and Press the Meat will be on early this week (8:00), thanks to the NYC Marathon.

And it’s not a show you want to miss, as Timmuh boasts an exclusive with Grandpa Fred Thompson. Now’s you’re chance to see what Fred looks like before his morning coffee. :omg: As if that wasn’t enough, Mr. Potatohead will also chat with Tom Brokaw, on to hawk his new book about the sixties (the 1960’s, not Brokaw’s sixties – I think).

Over at Faze the Nation, Bush Booby Bobby Schieffer hosts Senator MBNA (who gets at least a two-week pass from me for his “a noun, a verb, and nine-one-one” take-down of Guidi Ruliani), plus Hillary’s “Chief Strategist,” Mark Penn. The topic? “Did the Democrats cave fast enough on Mukasey?”

Over at Fux News Sunday, look for some really tough questions as Weaselface Wallace host the one, the only, Commander Codpiece himself, George Dubya Bush. “Are you a great President, or the greatest President, my Liege, and might I nibble lightly on your nether regions?” And of course there will also be the usual Fux Noise panel of Republican sycophants, who really aren’t worth taking the time to mention (except to say “fuck you” Bill Kristol and Brit Hume, you disgraceful pieces of shit). And then there’s Fux’s “Power Player of the Week,” Ashley Judd. Funny, I didn’t think Republicans liked girls (other than dressing up in women’s underwear, of course). My advice? Skip the show, and do a google image search for Ashley Judd instead. You won’t be disappointed (so I hear).

At the Goebbels Network, George Snufalufagus goes “on the trail” with my personal favorite amongst candidates polling above 3%, John Edwards. Hey, who cares if Dennis Kucinich saw a UFO? Edwards sees dead people! What, that’s a different Jon Edwards? Whatever. Then there’s a roundtable consisting of former Bush speechwriter (and now a Republican shill for the WaPost), Dan Gerson, the WaPost’s mustard man, EJ “Poupon” Dionne, LA Times media whore, Ron Brownstain Brownstein, and, of course, the man with nowhere else to go on Sunday, the insipid George :jerk: Will. This Weak’s “Voice?” None other than Ashley Judd. Gee, I hope George got her before Fux News. I can think of few things worse than having Weaselface Wallace’s sloppy seconds :yuck: (unless it has something to do with Karen Hughes :barf: ).

If one were to examine Wolf Blitzer’s Late Emission, one might find the world’s most articulate lap dog, Tony Blair, Saint John McCain (they list him as a presidential “hopeful,” as opposed to NBC’s listing of Grandpa Fred as a “contender.” Poor Johnny, I can hear him crying out “I coulda been a contender!”), one of the few Democrats with a spine, Chris Dodd, Arlen “all talk, no action” Specter, and dirty whore DINO traitor bitch, Dianne Feinstein.

Later, on 60 Minutes, Bob Simon shows us conman, criminal, and the neocon’s BFF, “Curveball,” Scott Pelley goes to Africa to check out ivory poachers, and Lesley Stahl profiles Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist Tom Perkins (who has the biggest sailboat in the whole wide world). Well whoopdie fuckin’ doo.

Well, time to get out those owner’s manuals to figure out how to change the rest of your clocks. It’s gonna be dark pretty damn early tonight (can’t we fall forward instead)? Enjoy your Sunday. As for me, I have two tons of wood pellets to schlep to the basement.

Saturday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on November 3, 2007
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Is was two years ago today that Morning Sedition broadcast its last live show, from O’Neals. It was an excellent show, with Lawton Smalls, Ted from Nebraska, Mark the Shark, Johnny K Street, Cardinal Milfington, and a whole lot more (plus a whole lotta love from the live audience, which included Granny and Me). If you’d like to listen to it again, I have it for you here. Gotta warn you though, it might make you a little watery around the eyes when you hear it start up. Have a good Saturday.

Friday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on November 2, 2007
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Friday. About freakin’ time.

Thursday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on November 1, 2007
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Holy shit, it’s November! Less than a week until election day, which means more than a freakin’ year until the ’08 Presidential Election. A friggin’ year of listening to people piss and moan about Hillary or Obama or whomever. Another year of looking at Rudy Nosferatu, or that fucking Mormon mannequin or whatever empty suit the godless (certainly, on the godless among us could be pro-torture, pro-war, and anti-child) Republicans put up. I don’t think I can stand it. I don’t think I can deal with all the “everything sucks, nothing will ever get better, nobody’s pure enough for me to vote for” bullshit for an entire year.

So, by way of personal distraction, I’m highly coveting a bigass HDTV. At first, I was just gonna get a smallish, 32″ inch or so one to play XBOX on in my little cave. But, the old ball and chain seems to be receptive to getting something bigger that we can put in the “family room.” This raises the stakes highly. At 32″, I could get a 720, and just use my fancy-schmancy headphones. But if it goes out into the bigger room, I’m gonna need to get at least a 47″ 1080, and that adds about a grand to the price (plus another $75 for a wall mount). Then, I’ll need to upgrade the DirecTV to get HD, and might as well add the HD DVR to it, which adds another $300 or so (plus $10 a month). Of course, my existing home theater stereo is a bit old, so I need to upgrade that, too, to a 7.1 system. Minimum I can get away with there is in the $400 range. Plus, I’d better get an upconverting DVD player for another $90 or so, and then look at getting the HD DVD player add-on for the XBOX 360 at $179 or so.

Damn, it aint easy being white trash with a jones for electronics.