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Morning Seditionists


Posted by pjsauter on March 8, 2012
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Trying to decide if I feel like going to work today. Well, I don’t feel like it, but I guess I probably ought to go in anyway. Hopefully the world won’t start spinning again.


Posted by pjsauter on March 7, 2012
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Bit of a scary day for me yesterday. Had two bouts of vertigo that had me wondering if it was about to be lights out time. I had to have my sister come and get me at work, since it became clear I wasn’t capable of driving. So today I’m gonna hang at home and see if I croak or not.

Super Tuesday

Posted by pjsauter on March 6, 2012
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All kinds of primary thingies going on today. And it look like it could be a big day for Mitt Romney. Or not. Who knows (who actually cares)? Maybe there’ll be another Santorum Surge, turning this race into a frothy mix of confusion. I just can’t believe there’s still eight more months of this shit to go. I miss Herman Cain.

It’s cold this morning. Like 12 or something. But tomorrow it’s supposed to be 64. I feel a sick day coming on.

Happy Birthday to Oreos, which turn 100 years old today. Speaking of Oreos, Happy Birthday to Rob Reiner, who looks like he’s had an Oreo or two in his day. And it’s also Mary Wilson’s birthday.


Posted by pjsauter on March 5, 2012
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It’s Monday. And I didn’t have the foresight to take the day off. Plus, I keep hitting the “o” key when I mean to hit the “i” key, and I keep hitting the “/” instead of the “.”. This is gonna be one long day.


Posted by pjsauter on March 4, 2012
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Poor Rush. Here he goes and “apologizes” for his “poor choice of words” in spewing the same shit he’s always spewing, and people don’t think he’s sincere. I feel about as bad for him as I do for the dearly departed Andrew Dimbart. Hopefully the two of them will be getting together real soon to commiserate. Hurry up, Rush. Satan and Saddam are waiting for you.

Winter has returned today. Just a few minutes ago, in fact. This morning, everything was green and a flock of seagulls flew over while I was out in the back yard (which is pretty odd, because I’m not exactly near the sea. The nearest lake is about 5 miles away as the gull flies, and these guys were flying from the northeast, which is even farther from water). Now, it’s a winter wonderland out there.

I heard a story on NPR yesterday about Colorado Springs, where they turned down a tax increase, and they had to slash all kinds of budgets and services. One politician said that a taxpayer came up and thanked her for the “adopt a streetlight” campaign. He and his neighbors chipped in $300 each to turn on the light in their neighborhood. She reminded him that if they’d approved a tax increase of $200, they could have had the streetlights plus parks, roads, etc. But he said, “oh, no. No way I’d vote for a tax increase.”

People are dumb.

The also talked to another guy who worked for the parks department and got laid off. They turned his job over to a private company which hired him to do the same job he was doing before. He went from $42,000 to $36,000, and they figure that with benefits, he costs about $12,000 less now than he did before. But, of course, the company he works for doesn’t do the work for free. So they asked the city if they were actually saving any money. They couldn’t say, but they said they “might” save money in the future. Maybe. On the pensions or something. If costs go up (and, like, the private company doesn’t charge more).

In other news, I hate to mention this but, well, 30 and 1, what can I say? It could all turn to crap in one game, of course, but for now I reckon I’ll enjoy it.


Posted by pjsauter on March 3, 2012
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I was up and out with the kids this morning at about 5:00, and Mars was in the western sky looking mighty red and impressive. Up above it and to the south a bit was Saturn – also looking impressive. I really need to pull my telescope out of the closet and play with it. It’s been a while and out here in the boonies, the stars are pretty awesome. It’s pretty cool to see the rings of Saturn and Jupiter’s “spot” – just like on the teevee. I used to know a lot about the night sky (was a big “Sky and Telescope” reader back in the day), but now I’ve pretty much forgotten it all. I’m lucky if I can remember what channel ESPN is on.

I realize nobody but me cares, but today is the final game of the regular season for SU basketball, and it’s even a home game, which is cool. A win would get them 30 wins in the regular season, which would be pretty amazing. If they lose, I will be miserable and unhappy (though there’s still the conference tournament, and then the big dance). The important thing is for us to get a #1 seed in the NCAAs, so they’ll keep us in the East and we can play games in Pittsburgh and, hopefully, Boston. I won’t burden my poor wife with the horror of basketball on the television, and will instead take Fritz over to play with his cousins while I watch the game with his aunt and uncle. It’s more fun for everybody.

Warm today, so I guess maybe I ought to see about accomplishing a few things.


Posted by pjsauter on March 2, 2012
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Finally Friday. We suffered our first puppy-related act of destruction last night. The tip of the power supply for somebody’s laptop (I won’t say who, but it wasn’t me) got chewed off. Fortunately, the puppy in question was unharmed (either by choking, electrocution, or being beaten by the person whose laptop it was). Laptop power supplies are frequent casualties; the one I’m using now is a replacement for the original, which Fritz chewed through about four years ago. Puppies. Gotta love ’em.

Shape Up You Maggots

Posted by pjsauter on March 1, 2012
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Sorry. Just saw a report on the Thin Mint Maggot Scandal. As one woman who was interviewed said, “…and they were moving. I mean, it’s jus as bad if they aren’t moving, but when you see them moving around in there…”

I have to agree. While maggots in my cookies are pretty gross, moving maggots are much worse. Deep fried is the way to go.

One more reason to never buy Girl Scout cookies.

It’s a darn shame today isn’t Friday. I blame Leap Year. If it wasn’t for that whole Feb 29 thing, today would be March 2nd.

Since I know you want to see it, here’s a picture of Fritz and his puppies keeping an eye on that sneaky old Roomba.