Finally, we come to the end of a very long week. Too bad there’s still Friday to have to get through. And it’s still too damn hot (and, yes, as I previously acknowledged, it gets hotter elsewhere, but if you choose to live in those places, that’s your problem; as for me, I now have one more reason to move to Canada). The new oil cap may or may not be working, which I suppose is a good thing. It all depends on if they see the pressures they’re expecting to see. If the pressure drops, then oil is most likely leaking out into the sea bed, and I guess they’ll have to open up the cap again. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen. I think three months of this is enough. It’s just too bad that this will all be soon forgotten until it happens again in an area where it’ll get noticed by the media.

The Droid X came out yesterday, and sold out pretty quickly. The biggest complaint from the professional reviews I’ve seen so far is that it’s “too big” at 5 x 2.6 x .4 inches. I guess if you want a 4.3 inch screen, you gotta expect it to be a little bigger than a phone that’s, well, smaller, but at less than the width of an index card, I think it’d fit quite nicely in my shirt pocket. But, alas, I really have no need for it. I guess I need a job where I spend a lot of time in airports or something.

The Iroquois National team is still stuck in NYC. Something tells me the Brits won’t back down. They love their bureaucracy even more than we do (hell, probably almost as much as the krauts do).

Oh well, I guess it’s about that time.