Clippers tonight, so it’s half a show (give or take) for the streamers, and the “premium” subscribers can decide whether they want to listen to the last half of the show first and then wait until whenever the podcast gets posted to listen to the first part, or just wait and listen to the whole thing all at once. Seems kinda f*cked up, doesn’t it?

The good news, though, is that this should be the last regular season game that screws with the show, since the final three games are early starts (and one’s on Sunday anyway). The bad news is that they’re in the playoffs, so let’s hope for an early exit (at this point, it looks like they’ll be playing Denver, so here’s to a big series from Carmello Anthony, who brought Syracuse its 2003 National Championship – and who shoulda stayed all four years, damnit, or at least for two).

Anyway, on today’s show Sammy the Stem Cell returns, plus Ian Gillan from Deep Purple (if you’re my age and you’ve ever picked up a guitar, you’ve no doubt fingered out “Smoke on the Water”), as well as comedian (and the Hard half of Hard ‘n Phirm) Chris Hardwick. Maybe we should start a pool to see which part of the show we’ll actually get to hear.