Here we go, another chance to see the best an the brightest, right there on the teevee.

On Press the Meat, Timmy Potatohead has the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. MBNA, plus li’l Lindsey Graham of the Armed Services Committee, on to discuss Bush’s surge. Then it’s a roundtable with the NY Times’ administration shill, Michael Gordon, WSJ hack, John Harwood & CNN’s Judy Woodruff, on to discuss how ineffective the Democrats have been since taking control of Congress.

In a move no doubt destined to spark outrage and charges of liberal media bias, Bush buddy Bobby Schieffer does a one-on-one with Nancy Pelosi on this week’s Faze the Nation,

On the ever more irrelevant Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace interviews House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer plus Senate Republican prick, Mitch McConnell.

On the Goebbels Network, George Snufalufagus hosts Charlie Rangel, Dan Obey, and Henry Waxman, on to talk about why they aren’t being bipartisan enough yet. Also, Brent Scowcroft will be on to talk about Bush’s “plan” for Iraq (he’s been workin’ real hard on it, and havin’ some good discussions). At the Roundtable, it’s Harold “where the white women at” Ford, Cokie “the hag” Roberts and George :jerk: Will. And, in the touchy-feel segment, Diane Sawyer talks to Oprah, who is attempting to outdo both Angelina Jolie and Madonna, by opening a whole goddamn school in South Africa.

Over at CNN’s Late Emission, it’s a few Republican assholes, an Iraqi or two, Barbara Boxer, and the only guest of any real interest, Dennis “I told you so” Kucinich.

Later, on 60 Minutes, this just in – Gerald Ford is still dead. Also, Bob Simon looks at who killed Alexander Litvinenko, and Dame Helen Mirren tries to get Morley Safer to take his clothes off. Let’s hope she is unsuccessful.

And, you can get ready for next week’s season premiere of Rome on HBO by watching back-to-back-to-back episodes starting at eight o’clock (EST).ย  There’s also a new American Dad after The Simpsons – and this week, special guest George W. Bush is coming to have dinner with the Smiths.
As for me, I’ll mostly be packing. I really (really) don’t want to go. Have a good Sunday.