You’ll have to get up a little earlier this morning if you want to watch Press the Meat. Thanks to the French Open, the potatoheaded one and his gaggle of gasbags will be on at 8 AM Eastern. This week’s bombastic buffoons (all NBC news ‘reporters’) include Ron Allen, fresh off the Clinton campaign bus, and his counerpart from the Obama campaign, Lee Cowan. Then there’s intrepid Gilligan lookalike, David “how dare you say we wereshills for the Bush administration” Gregory, the woman who must have the most motivation to get out of bed in the morning, Mrs. Allen Greenspan, Andrea Mitchell, Kelly O’Donnell, stuck following the McCain campaign, and proving once again that goatees are for schmucks, Chuck Todd (no offense to Jeff Farias or you other goatee types, of course). The topic of the day? “How can we prop up this half-dead grumpy old man McCain and make a ‘horse race’ out of this thing?”

Now that Clinton has conceded and thrown her support to Obama, the day’s topic on Faze the Nation is, predictably, “What Does Hillary Clinton Want?” ๐Ÿ™„ Helping Bob Schieffer figure that out will be Howard Wolfson of the Clinton Campaign, the ever entertaining Charlie Rangel, Jim Webb, and Roger Simon of the ever incorrect Politico.

Turning the dial to Fox News Sunday (does anybody still have a teevee with dials on it?), we find Weaselface Wallace hosting Obama supporter, Governor Tim Kaine of Virginia and McCain supporter, Governor Tim “why waste money maintaining bridges?” Pawlenty of Minnesota. Then the regular fuxheads ponder the question, “is the VP nod likely for Hillary Clinton?”

Over on the Goebbels network, George Snufalufagus has Obama supporter John Kerry, li’l Lindsey Graham, for McCain, and DINO Dianne Feinstein. At the roundtable, it’s The Washington Post’s Jonathan Capeheart, dynamic duo Jay Carney and Claire Shipman, and, of course, George :jerk: Will.

Dianne the Dino pops up on Late Emission with Wolf Blitzkrieg, along with Bob Casey, Krazy Jon Kyl, the extremely horrible Kay Bailey Hutchison (horrible enough to be St. McCain’s veep, perhaps?), Howard Wolfson (again), and Husain Haqqani, Pakistani Ambassador to U.S. (hey, how’d he get in there?).

Later, on 60 Minutes, Scott Pelley reports on the deaths and property damage caused by dust explosions at American factories, Lesley Stahl reports on how Howard Hughes’ money is being used to probe lifeรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs medical mysteries through the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (the only catch is, you have to fish the money of the mayonnaise jars he kept it in), and Byron Pitts (whoever that is) reports on some preacher named Joel Osteen, who packs in lots of god fearing Texans down there in Houston.

The Tudors is done for the season, but you can catch up on reruns of Dexter, with back to back episodes starting at 8:00. Truly a sight to behold in Hi-Def.

Have a good one.