Gerry Sandusky speaks! Turns out, he isn’t a child rapist after all. Thank goodness for that. He merely engages in naked “horseplay” in the shower with children after a workout. Well, who doesn’t do that? It’s a shame Peter Graves passed away – he’d have been great as the lead in the Gerry Sandusky Story. Gerry’s wholesome-sounding – and clearly believable – explanation should be the end of the story, but I’m sure all those witch-hunting liberal academic and media types will continue to drag this poor man through the mud. I’m afraid the only thing that can restore his reputation as the great man he is would be if his doctor gives him an overdose of surgical anesthetic. Hey, Gerry, why don’t you save us all a lot of time and money and go for it?

The crackdowns on the “Occupy” movement continue, with Mayor Bloomers moving to clear out Zucotti Park in Manhattan. Finally. I just despise all this class warfare stuff. Not the class warfare that has the police giving a beat down to the 99%, of course. It’s the class warfare where some suggest that the 1% ought to pay their fair share and go to jail for screwing everybody else that I can’t abide.

As everybody’s heard by now, SCOTUS has agreed to decide upon the constitutionality of Health Care Deform (in particular, the “mandate” to buy insurance). I think we can all expect a fair and impartial decision based purely on the law, and unadulterated by the stench of political ideology.


Ironic, isn’t it, that had they enacted single-payer health care reform, there wouldn’t have been a question. No wonder that was off the table from the git-go. Oh well, half-a-loaf and whatnot.

Happy 82nd birthday to Ed Asner, who not only breathed life into one of the most memorable characters on teevee (twice), but who is also a full-fledged Progressive activist (and single payer supporter, I might add).

Live long and prosper, Ed – we need your full loaf to balance out the loafless that walk among us.