It finally appears to be spring around here. At least for a few days. The leaves are bustin’ out all over and the grass is growing. A lot. To that end, I got the mower on the tractor yesterday afternoon (always a painful process – I think the Japanese guy who designed the Kubota belly mower never quite got over WWII) and even cut the grass. Well, some of the grass – the part outside of the dog containment area. I was just gonna cut a swath to make sure I had the thing on and working OK, but then I figured I might as well carry on for a bit. I’d have carried on, but that would have required a serious dog hole and rock patrol (they like to pull rocks out of the sump pond so they can chew on them), and I wasn’t up for that. So I decided I’d spend some quality time sitting on the deck and not drinking beer. As soon as I got settled in, I had a work thing come up and that was the end of that. It was nice while it lasted.

The wife is rather thoughtlessly taking a few days off work, relegating me to public transportation like a common person for the next week or so. I don’t mind the bus, so much, but the late bus is almost always late, and even when it’s on time it means I don’t get home until damn near bedtime. But it’s supposed to be warm and sunny, so at least it’ll be pleasant hanging out at the bus stop. Especially if the pigeons haven’t managed to shit all over the picnic tables yet.

The only good thing about taking the bus into work is that I have a little bit more time in the morning before I have to leave the house. But I guess my time is up, so I better get going.

Oh, I almost forgot. Happy Birthday to my mom, who would have been 93 today. You can say astrology is bunk all you want, but you’ll never find a better example of Taurus the Bull than she was. Sorry to have been such a Scorpio to ya, mom.