As you have already heard a million times by now, today is Pi Day. Also Albert Einstein’s birthday, and the day we lost Stephen Hawking who said, among many other things, “I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.” And also “My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.”

It saddens me to think of how much farther along in that goal he, personally and we, as a species might be today if his body had been able to keep up with his mind. And also why a person like Hawking was dealt the hand he was, while Donald Trump is allowed to exist – let alone be in the position he’s in today.

If there’s a stronger argument against the “theory” of “Intelligent Design,” I don’t know what it would be.

On a happier note, the Raspberry Pi Foundation has announced a brand new version – Raspberry Pi 3 B+, which features, among other things, Dual Band WiFi. And it’s still only $35.

Stephen Hawking and Raspberry Pi – two stellar (so to speak) examples of American Ingenuity. Oh, wait, they both come from the UK. Well, we still have that Trump guy. Nobody’s gonna gonna take that away from us. Pretty sure we don’t have enough cash to pay anybody to come and collect him, either. But I’m willing to chip in my next couple of mortgage payments if anybody wants to take up a collection and try.

The worst part about Trumpism (if there can possibly be a “worst” – maybe a “wurst”? Trumpwurst – stinkier than liverwurst and even the spiciest mustard won’t make it palatable) is the true believers. Those fake religious hypocrites who were so ashamed of, say, Bill Clinton with their faux moral outrage and “what about the childrenisms” (if those goddamn whiny children think they’re gonna take my AR-47 away from me, they better just shut the fuck up) who couldn’t care less about this bloated, pussygrabbing, porn star fucking (no offense to porn stars, mind you – I don’t judge) piece of crap that stops by the White House once in a while in order to sit on the toilet and tweet about the “Marine Core” before changing into his white knit golf costume en route to Florida.

To paraphrase the late Nicholas von Hoffman on Nixon, Trump is the dead bloated whale carcass that’s washed up on the beach of America, and the only question now is who’s going to get a bulldozer out there to shove him back into the ocean or bury the rotting putrid thing in the sand. Before, you know…

I will say one thing for our President, though. He’s the only person imaginable that could (almost) make me feel sorry for Rex “tea for the” Tillerson.

Ah, almost time for lunch.