As a Catholic drop-out, I had to look up what they call the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter. I was thinking “Super Saturday” but apparently that’s not it, and I was kind of disappointed to find out it was just “Holy” because that’s what I thought Thursday was (though I suppose that’s “Maundy Thursday” if you go old school). But of course when you go looking things up on the Internets, you find all kinds of shit, and it’s not different with this – Easter Even, Silent Saturday, Joyous Saturday – these people clearly have different definitions of “Good” and “Joyous” than I do – Great Sabbath, Black Saturday – combine those last two, and I think you’ve got a rock band – and a few dozen others. I even found this article at the Crappington Post from a few years back titled “What Did Jesus Do On Holy Saturday?” I didn’t read it, but I assume he binged-watched Breaking Bad. It’s hard to keep up on your shows when you’re running around proselytizing and asserting your 2nd Amendment rights and whatnot. So whatever you call it, I hope you’re having (or will have) a good one.

As for me, it’s a typical Saturday. I slept in until nearly 4:00, drank a pot of coffee while watching an episode of Taggart (it’s a show where everybody acts and sounds like Angus McFahrquar and Groundskeeper Willie – especially DCI Burke, who’s a miserable bastard that I get a kick out of – probably because we share a similar outlook on life), and then headed outside to see if I could get a look at the Chinese Space Station, which is on its farewell tour. So few artists bring their tours to my neck of the woods. Sadly, I was either too late or too early (and it was getting pretty f*cking cold so I didn’t hang out long) and I didn’t see it. I’m sure it’ll be on YouTube anyway. The moon was quite impressive, though, so it wasn’t a total loss.

The snow here is nearly gone (barely an inch or two on the pool deck), the sump pond is full (much to the dogs’ delight) and the lawn is nice and soft and, apparently, just perfect for digging in. Peggy likes to dig deep holes, but Frtizi enjoys digging trenches. And of course anytime you can scatter some stones from the leech field around, it’s an added bonus. Anyhow, all this springlike activity has me expecting another Nor’easter any time now. It’s basically a trick to try and get me to take the plow and chains off the tractor and put the mower on.

Hah! Nice try, Mother Nature. I’m on to you.

Instead, what I really need to do is get all the tools I dragged out to fix my garage door opener last weekend organized and put away. Or at least put away. There are several ways to accomplish that, but I think the best one is to throw money at it. I’ve been meaning to get a tool chest up there for quite a while now, and I think today is the day. I really hate to go to Home Depot, but they appear to have the best version of what I’m looking for (at least, for a price I can actually afford) so, you know, you gotta do what you gotta do. And it at least comes (mostly) assembled – with the added bonus of it weighing close to 200 pounds, so by the time I wrestle into and out of the truck, I’ll be too crippled to screw around with the tools. Plus I’m sure it comes in a huge box, and what I really need is more cardboard in my life.

Oh well, I’d better go take a shower. Wouldn’t want the HD folks to think I’m a slob.