I was watching Bill Mahardy-Har-Har yesterday, and there was some British-sounding dude on (a reporter from – or for – Atrios, I guess). He was trying to explain to the choir that the Mueller investigation may not actually turn out the way we normal humans would like. Which you would think would make for a “duh” kinda moment, but neither Bill nor Jennifer Granholm were having any of that, thank you very much. The Atrios dude (and, to some extent, some other dude from the Weekly Standard, who has apparently seen the light – at least on Trump – who was saying something to the effect of “don’t underestimate this asshole’s ability to obstruct the investigation” to which I would add, “especially since he is in control of all three official branches of the government, the military, and is in the process of creating his own private army”) was saying, more or less, that we may not see any conclusive proof of anything out of this, and Bill and Jen were strongly protesting that “we all already know” this, that, and the other thing and by golly it’s obvious and yada-yada-yada.

And then Jen went on to say that Senator Warner will be introducing legislation on Monday to make it illegal for a President to revoke the security clearances of people who say mean things about the President and the other dude said “how many Republicans do you think will support that” (general consensus seemed to be “zero”) and she said “that’ll show everybody!”

Yep, as if the Democrats would be able to use that as a cudgel to force the Trumpists to see the light and, um, whatever. I guess go out and vote for Democrats or something. Or maybe it would incentivize Democrats to vote in such large numbers that they’ll be able to overcome the gerrymandering, voter suppression, Russian hacking, and outright thievery that we all know damn well is gonna occur in November.

Oh, and of course there’s also the small problem of the fact that a large number of Democrats are useless at best, and just as bad as their Republican counterparts at worst. Except you’re not supposed to say that because if you prefer a candidate in a Democratic primary who walks and talks like a Democrat then you’re part of the problem, damnit!

We all know that Democrats who act like Democrats can’t get elected – which is why things are so great now.

Never mind that this is how the Republican Party got to where it is today. Hey, the guy’s an asshole, but you have to vote for him because he’s “our” asshole.

Not that I’m suggesting you don’t vote for whatever Democrat there is to vote for on your ballot in November – asshole or not – (or don’t vote at all, which is just as bad). “Our” assholes are way better than their assholes, and it would be nice if the Republicans didn’t have the ability to install any more anti-union, anti-woman, anti-minority, anti-democracy, anti-American judges. Even if impeachment is already “off the table.”

Once we get the KKK out of power, then we can work on getting real Democrats back in. One step at a time.