Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! Just when I thought all the deals were over, it turns out today is Cyber Monday! The savings just won’t stop. Plus, the US Military (or ICE or whatever the fuck they are) is being used to launch tear gas into a neighboring country in order to maim, torture, and terrify poor people and little children (imagine, if you will, Canada lobbing tear gas from their side of the Peace Bridge over into Buffalo. Pretty sure that wouldn’t go over too well, even if it IS only Buffalo).

Note to our friends in the UK: this is a look at what life after Brexit could be like, though I’m not sure whether you folks will be on the tear gas chucking or receiving side (but I suppose most of you still remember what life was like during “the troubles” so you know better than I). Just a quick tip for those on the receiving end – if every movie I’ve seen is correct, you can just tie a rag over your face and chuck those tear gas canisters back where they came from. Though you might wanna import some Mexicans or Central/South Americans, because they’ve got great pitching arms, and we know you Europeans (if I can still lump you in with that lot) mostly use your feet. Except for Cricket, I guess. But those tear gas canisters are a bit more than a sticky wicket.

It appears that after a few days of respite, we’re about to get hit with whatever it is that nailed Chicago (where 13″ of snow is apparently enough to shut things down and knock out power to 99% of customers in the area – here, we call that “Tuesday”).

Not sure what the weather gods have in store for us (so far, it doesn’t sound like all that much, but that can change pretty quickly), so mostly I hope it’s not too cold and I don’t have to get out there and plow in the dark. Of course, it’s kinda dark before work and after work, so I guess I’ll be plowing in the dark no matter what.

I’m gettin’ cold just thinking about it.