A rather shitty weekend, overall. As you may have heard, that story that sounded like bullshit to me a week or so ago is no longer sounding like bullshit. Bernie apparently likes to touch little boys. And his wife seems to be a piece of work, too. You just can’t count on anything these days. So long, Bernie. It’s gonna be a long, cold winter.

On the bright side, I managed to knock a couple things off my “shit to do before the snow flies” list. For one, I got four “cheap” rims and had my snow tires mounted on them so I can now swap them out myself. Used to be you could get your basic wheel for, like $15 or something. Now, they’re $60. Oy. Plus another $13 to each to mount them. But, it’s done, so let the snow fly.{{1}}[[1]]Just kidding. Please don’t fly, snow![[1]]

I also got around to mounting work lights on my tractor, so I should be good to go for plowing snow when the time comes. Except now I need to add a third one that faces toward the rear so I can see behind me.

Unfortunately, this disease that seems to be living inside me refuses to go away. It’s not quite as bad as it was – and not bad enough to skip work today, much as I’d like to – but it still sucks.

Cyber Monday – get out there on the intertubes and spend some money for me, ‘cuz mine’s all gone. Not for long though. According to the e-mail I got over the weekend, I’m a very lucky boy because I won the big Microsoft Sweepstakes! In fact, I’m so lucky I won it twice, at two different e-mail addresses. Sweet. Now I’m just waiting for those checks to arrive.