Let’s hear it for Wisconsin Democrats, who, in 12 days, claim they’ve collected 300,000 signatures in the effort to force a recall of Governor Scott “The Mope” Walker. That’s half of what they need, and they have another 48 days to get the rest. Of course, I’m sure the first 300,000 were easier to come by than the next 300,000 will be. Let’s hope they get the rest – and then Wisconsiners (Wisonconsinites? Wisconsinians? Cheeseheads?) throw the idiot out of office.

Also to be congratulated is Barney Frank, who has pledged not to become a lobbyist when he retires from the House.

Frank said he would not use his Congressional experience to secure a lucrative job lobbying his former colleagues.

“I will neither be a lobbyist nor a historian,” he said, a jab at Gingrich’s self-proclaimed $1.6 million “historian” gig for Freddie Mac. “My intention is to do some combination of writing, teaching, and lectures.”
“I do not think I have lived a good enough life to be rewarded by Newt Gingrich being the nominee,” he joked, calling his potential nomination “the best thing to happen to the Democratic party since Barry Goldwater.”
He held nothing back in his criticism of the state of the House under Republican rule.

“It consists half of people who think like Michele Bachmann and half of people who are afraid of losing a primary to people who think like Michele Bachmann,” he said, “and that leaves very little room to work things out.”

Frank, who came out in 1987, reflected with pride on his role as a gay rights pioneer in the political world, saying he was moved by openly gay New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn’s claim that she was inspired by his experience.

“The best antidote to prejudice is reality,” he said, “because prejudice is by definition based on ignorance of people’s real condition.”

Amen, Barney. Just goes to show you can be both a full loaf, and a little light in the loafers at the same time.

It’s a good time to have gotten my Roku device (for watching Internet video). I’m also trying out a two-week trial of PlayOn, which allows me to stream more content. This is good because I am forced to avoid watching the news or reading the newspapers or anything like that. There’s only one story that’s dominating things around here, and I have no desire to hear about it. If it wasn’t for my ability to stream “Sanford and Son,” I might have to start obsessing on “chemtrails” or “9/11 was controlled demolition” or “the Mayan Calendar” or something while I’m waiting for the snow to fly.

The dearth of sports around here should make my wife happy, at least. Not that I watch it in her presence, of course. She makes me feel dirty when she catches me watching – like I have German porn on the teevee or something.

To think that it’s all about “us against them” and “they suck” is, of course, totally missing the point. Not that there isn’t some of that, of course (especially if Georgetown in involved), but mostly it’s about enjoying watching the game and appreciating how it’s played. Some people like the ballet, or opera, or Jackson Pollock. Good for them.

It’s a typically human thing, though, to think that something you think is boring or stupid should be boring or stupid everybody else, too (except people who are boring and stupid, of course). And of course the converse – everybody should think the things you care about ar the most important things in the world, too. I try not to think that way, but I will admit there are things I just plain don’t get (like opera, or Jackson Pollock). I don’t spend a lot of time giving a shit if other people like that stuff, though.

I’d forgotten that yesterday was the six-year anniversary of this site. I noted it a week or so ago, and was going to mention it, but then I forgot. That’s because I’ve gotten terribly old and feeble-minded over the past six years.

For the few who still kick around here, you get to see me chronicle the progression of my dementia – from early onset, through to drooling incoherency. Six more years ought to do it.