On Press the Meat today, homophobe Rick Warren is on to talk about Faith and Charity (two hookers he picked up last night, I think). Then Bill and Melinda Gates are on to tell us that when once you’ve got more money than God and have accumulated pretty much everything you can think of accumulating, you might as well give some of it away.

At CBS’s Faze the Nation, is a mostly Republican kinda day, with otken Democrat Carl Levin, the teabaggers’ best friend, Dick Armey on to face the woman whose candidacy Dick helped to flush down the toilet, Dede Scozzafava, and Ed Gillespie gets out of his closet to stretch his legs.

On Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace talks Afghanistan with Jon Kyl and Evan Bayh, and health care with Howard Dean Mike “Huckleberry” Huckabee.

At the Goebbels network, George Snufalufagus has girly man, Lindsey Graham, VT Independent Boynie Sanders, and a roundtable with George :jerk: Will, Cokie “the hag” Roberts, Paul Krugman, Matty Dowd and “Douchebag Dan” Senor.

On CNN, Fareed Zakaria has Maziar Bahari, the Newsweek reporter who spent four months in a prison in Tehran and a conversation Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

Happy Birthday, Em!